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EcoComb Eco-Friendly Solution for Wastewater Treatment

The EcoComb (Ecological Pond Combo) solution for ecologically-friendly wastewater treatment combines China’s ancient ecological philosophy and German technology combined with modern landscaping elements and powered with advanced technological means for facilitating ecological restoration of the water environment.

The most prominent feature of EcoComb is that it combines restoration of the water environment and aquaculture. By following the ideas of circular economy, the solution delivers products from the environment in addition to wastewater treatment. It is a commercialized solution integrating a number of technical innovations independently developed by BHT Environ.

EcoComb is based on the idea which played a key role in early development of circular aquaculture in German in 1970s. After decades of continuous application, the technology has been replicated and proved around the world. The EcoComb solution has been applied in wastewater treatment and industrial fish ponds. Based on theories and practices of biochemical technology, ecology and circular aquaculture, BHT has made further innovation and engineering efforts to the technology making it more suitable for China’s Beautyful Countryside Initiatives, through combining it with aeration, air lifting, biological beds.

EcoComb Technology Overview

EcoComb mainly consists of two main components, i.e. a circular pond and a BioFishive algae pond. The circular pond may be built as an earth tank with simple anti-seepage measures, working with air lifting cycles in combination with a BHT-BioMat aeration device, and featuring low energy consumption and unattended operation. The water after treatment meets the standard for aquaculture water quality, and is discharged to the algae pond. The water after treatment with a circular pond is safe for aquaculture, as there is no industrial substance in the wastewater. The ability of the algae pond for restore the ecosystem and waters to further improve the water quality, and the overflow and outflow water can be used for agricultural irrigation.

The integrated EcoComb solution process design, core equipment, commissioning and other technical services, and is suitable for:

Wastewater treatment in rural areas, parks, villa areas, and specialty towns;

Moderately or heavily polluted rivers and lakes;

Surface water containing COD and ammonia nitrogen.

EcoComb Technology Overview

EcoComb = Circular Biochemical Pond + Ecological Algae Fish Pond

Proprietary EcoComb Technologies

  • BioMat Oxygen Supply Technolog

BioMat Aeration is a fine bubble aeration technology of low ventilation. Dense and evenly distributed holes are created with a unique drilling technique, so small bubbles rise slowly to ensure enough time for contact with water, effectively increasing the oxygen transfer efficiency and eliminate blinds spots of aeration, and thus keeping a high oxygen utilization rate.

  • Airlift Technolog

Airlift use the air from blowers as the drive source to change local water density through a uniform air distribution technique. It increases the surface level of the aerated area due to a specially designed pond structure, to drive the movement of the water body and thus achieve dynamic adjustment control of water in the whole pond. 

  • Proprietary Nitrification Capacity Enhancement Module

It is a specially designed filler module for biological removal of ammonia nitrogen in cold areas. They can be easily installed in ditches, and require low maintenance.

  • Microalgae Control Technolog

With insights into the metabolic pattern and growth of microalgae, engineering means are used to regulate eating of microalgae by protozoa and metazoans.

  • Food Chain Control Technolog

A stable food chain system requires effective control, and the system adopts the Trophic-Dynamic technology.

EcoComb Implementation

Applications of EcoComb

An Expanded Application of EcoComb --- Sihong Aquaculture Project

The Sihong Aquaculture Project is owned by Jiangsu Sihong County Jinshui Group. Prior to implementation of the project, the ponds were in a state of extensive farming. Residual feed and fish feces had deposited at the bottom of the ponds for a long term, leading to excessive ammonia nitrogen contents, eutrophication and low dissolved oxygen in the water. As a result, fish grew slowly and were vulnerable to diseases. Based on the EcoComb solution and technology for lightly polluted water treatment, BHT Environ designed the Biofishive new industrial circulating water ecological farming system. After the implementation of the project, the yield of water valuable fish per mu has increased from 800 kg – 1,000 kg to 3,000 to 4,000 kg now, with revenues of more than RMB 10,000 per mu. Now, this new industrial circulating water ecological aquaculture system has been implemented in Jiangsu and Anhui.

Main features of the system include:

Dramatic increase in yield, and high prices due to better fish meat;

Reduced water and land use, simple maintenance, low operating costs;

Reuse of residual feed and excreta; and

Effective removal of ammonia, organic matter and other substances in water.

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